Sheki from Top to Bottom — Visit Azerbaijan

Sheki from Top to Bottom — Visit Azerbaijan

4. декабря 2019 0 Автор F. Masimova

Sheki, an ancient Silk Road city of 68,000 in northwest Azerbaijan, is well known for its various handicrafts. In 2017, it was included in the UNESCO Creative Cities network for crafts and folk art. In this video, join Visions on a walk through picturesque Sheki to discover its specialties (confectioneries making halva; handicrafts like tekelduz, hat making, silk, and shebeke; antiques; and national music). Then get a taste of Sheki’s unique local humour to see if it strikes your funny bone.


The historic centre of Sheki along with the Palace of Sheki Khans, has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

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