The Spirit Wrestlers — The History of the Canadian Doukhobors

The Spirit Wrestlers — The History of the Canadian Doukhobors

4. сентября 2021 0 Автор F. Masimova

Western Canada is home to half the world’s Doukhobors, or, translated literally from the Russian, «Spirit Wrestlers.» Their Russian origins are evident in all aspects of their heritage. In keeping with their motto, «Toil and peaceful life,» Doukhobors seek to balance the basic needs of everyday life with spiritual beliefs based on Christian principles. To preserve and make known their ideals, Doukhobors have developed a rich song tradition, consisting of psalms and hymns, as well as other types of songs.

800px Doukhobor pilgrims leaving Yorkton to evangelize the world HS85 10 13523 800px Doukhobor pilgrims leaving Yorkton to evangelize the world HS85 10 13523
Doukhobor pilgrims leaving Yorkton to evangelize the world. Thomas Veitch Simpson - This image is part of the Canadian Copyright Collection held by the British Library, and has been digitised as part of the "Picturing Canada" project. It was deposited with copyright number 13523, and is indexed with Dalhousie number 304.
Doukhobors Langham Saskatchewan 1903 Doukhobors Langham Saskatchewan 1903
Doukhobors marching nude in Langham, Saskatchewan, Canada. Same Picture was published 1914 in Alienist and Neurologist journal, Volume XXXV with the underline: „Duckhobors Looking For Christ In Canada In Winter“
The Doukhobor pilgrims entering Yorkton HS85 10 13519 The Doukhobor pilgrims entering Yorkton HS85 10 13519
The Doukhobor pilgrims entering Yorkton. Photo A. Thomas Veitch Simpson - This image is part of the Canadian Copyright Collection held by the British Library, and has been digitised as part of the "Picturing Canada" project. It was deposited with copyright number 13519, and is indexed with Dalhousie number 300.
Doukhobor women pulling a plough Thunder Hill Colony Manitoba Doukhobor women pulling a plough Thunder Hill Colony Manitoba
Doukhobor women are shown breaking the prairie sod by pulling a plough themselves, Thunder Hill Colony, Manitoba. c 1899. This image is available from Library and Archives Canada under the reproduction reference number C-000681 and under the MIKAN ID number 3193404 This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing for more information. Library and Archives Canada does not allow free use of its copyrighted works. See Category:Images from Library and Archives Canada.
Doukhobor Village of Vosnesenya Thunder Hill Colony Doukhobor Village of Vosnesenya Thunder Hill Colony
Village of Vosnesenya - Thunder Hill Colony. Architecture and Village layout copied from the Doukhobor Villages in Caucasia. (For location, north-east of Arran, SK, see

Sirotski dom.jpg
By Sandro Shanidze - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, Public Domain, Link

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